Posted in Inspirational & Observations from Life

Seeing through the Glass Cabinet.

When we finally got this up, I was in a state of shock or disbelief. Sounds so strange, after all, all of IKEA’s things are usually relatively easy to assemble.
But so many thoughts and lessons appear with this glass cabinet.

I got in on WED and started assembling it. But I got to a point, where I just could not do it on my own. I needed assistance. I needed to ask a friend to help me. I knew I was seeing Tom, the next day. So I asked him and he obliged. Made me think.

i) When we are stuck, do we ask for help?

ii) The importance of community. I am aware of those who are alone, lonely, we don’t have that support or friendships around them. So sad. 😦

Then I was so grateful as we built the cabinet and even when we had wrong panes of glass in place (My fault, I ignored the one picture), Tom carried on with such patience.

I admired his patience. Not always my strong point.

He was going to play tennis later. But the whole time (was about 2 hours) as we figured out and finally assembled the glass display, Tom gave the sense/vibe of being fully present. (Yes, he had elsewhere to go) – But he didn’t constantly glass at his watch. I like that. Really struck me:

How present are we with people?

And just his willing to help me in the first place, to offer his time. And yes, he is one of the pastors (studying towards that) of a local church (that I am not officially a member of yet.) His action of building this for me was just such a great example of what the church should be.

Willing to help.

He didn’t speak of my lack of church attendance. He was just there.

When we finished it, I was super grateful to him. And at the same time, I just ushered a thank you prayer to God.

Do we thank God as a first thing?

Another thing:
After that mission, I had some down time and watched the last two episodes of the Chosen, season 3.

Please, please watch The Chosen. if you haven’t yet. I’ll say it a few times.
Watch the Chosen, please.
Watch the Chosen, please.

That series has really made me fall in love with Jesus again.

And then to end my Thursday off – I had to walk across the accommodation block, where I live and work to switch on the heating for this weekend’s guests.

As I walked across the gravel driveway, I looked up and just breathed in the night time sky. The majesty of it all. The chill of the air, the glimmer of the stars above, the moonshine.
I just felt in the gaze of God and was grateful.

Posted in Poetry and Prose

Quaich (Advent 22)

From the highlands
I learnt a new tradition
A token of friendship
And community
The Scottish would pass around this cup
Filled to the brim with whiskey and love.
Passing it around, we celebrate one another.

I remember my friends.
Both far and near.
And I’m grateful.

This passing the cup.
Reminds me of another group of friends.
Jesus and His disciples.
Drink and remember, He said

Let’s remember Him
We will remember Him
This Christmas
Let’s remember Him

Posted in Faith & Church, Inspirational & Observations from Life, People

I took away the word “JUST” …

Earlier this year I read a book. There was this part:

take out the word JUST blog

The author was speaking about a guy who asked him a question on one of his speaking tours. The guy with the question started with: “I’m just a doctor…” and then asked the question.

The author then wrote about his opening line. And he asked:
“Would you want “just a doctor” to work on you?
Or do you want a doctor to work on you?”

Brilliant hey? A lot of people have been using the word: JUST.

I have been that person too. And when I read this above piece, I vowed to drop the word JUST.

When I was asked in the past about what I did; I would reply: “I am just a youth pastor.”

Oh that negative word: just.

Youth ministry matters.
What I do matters.

So as I head into my next youth worker position, I go with that confidence. That excitement. Wiser. Full of creativity, contemplation, life lessons and love.

But this applies to you too: How often have you used the word: JUST ??

Stop it!

We don’t want just a teacher teaching our kids…
Or just a policeman protecting us
Or just an accountant doing our books.
Or just an engineer building our bridges…

Posted in Inspirational & Observations from Life, People

“Hey Bartender!”

I discovered something I quite like doing.
That’s being a barman.
Here at our venue Hoogeind Manor we get to host weddings and parties.
On some occasions I get to work as a barman for that particular gig!

I love it!
Last night as I chatted with the customers and poured their drinks, I was in element.
Community, sharing stories and even good music in the background.

Often there is a negative stigma placed on people being at the bar.
But the positive side should be appreciated too:
People get to connect with others.
They get to unwind.
They get to slow down and relax.
They get to meet people.
They get to celebrate.
They get to share their concerns. (Sometimes with the barman themselves) or a fellow customer.

I thought of one of my top 5 Dave Matthews Band songs:


If I go before I’m old
Oh brother of mine please don’t forget me if I go
Bartender please, fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave Jesus that set him free, after three days in the ground

Oh and if I die before my time
Oh sweet sister of mine please don’t regret me if I go
Bartender please, fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave Jesus that set him free after three days in the ground
Bartender please, fill my glass for me
With the wine you gave Jesus that set him free after three days in the ground

I’m on bended knee I pray Bartender please
Oh when I was young I didn’t think about it,
But now I can’t get it out of my mind
I’m on bended knee please father please

Oh if all this gold, should steal my soul away
Oh dear mother of mine, please redirect me if this gold
Bartender you see, this wine that’s drinking me
Came from the vine that strung Judas from the devil’s tree roots
Deep deep in the ground

Bartender you see, this wine that’s drinking me
Came from the vine that strung Judas from the devil’s tree roots
Deep deep in the ground
I’m on bended knee I pray Bartender please
I’m on bended knee please mama please
Oh when I was young I didn’t think about it,
But now I just want to run and hide
I’m on bended knee Bartender please

i) What do you think is the message of the song?
ii) I like the passion in how Dave sings the song.
iii) I also like to creative mention of wine and Jesus and Judas placed in the lyrics.
iv) How the does the song make you feel?

Posted in Faith & Church, Inspirational & Observations from Life, People, Wonder and Beauty

Little Tidbits

A set of thoughts put together:

The Shack (the movie)
On Good Friday, I thought watching this movie would be fitting. (I have read the book many years ago.)
Meeting Papa again was so good.
Watching the movie, reminded me of things. Helped me “let go” some things in my life now. I even had tears.
The picture this movie portrays of the relational God is so heart-warming.
(If people would take time to hear and see that God, how things for them would change. A whole new world and way of life.)

People on the mountain

As I was walking down Lion’s Head yesterday, a guy named Ben, said to me “oh you, again.”
I had clearly passed him earlier on the ascent. We got chatting. He introduced me to his husband. They’re both from Los Angeles visiting South Africa for the first time. They had come from Kruger and were in Cape Town for a few days doing the sites.
We chatted for a few hundred metres, then I bid him farewell.
A pleasant exchange among strangers. I doubt I will ever see he and his husband again. But it was great to experience a brief moment of community.
And then I ran off, down the rest of the mountain. To my next activity for the day.
(The funny thing, about this little thought is that there are probably some judgemental people stuck on the phrase: “he and his husband.”)

In paradise, surrounded by trash

I liked experiencing Lions Head.
Although overly commercial. I’m not good with judging the size of crowds but I am most certain there were over 500 people on the mountain either going up or coming down.
This hike is like the “McDonald’s of Takeaways”
What detracted from the whole experience, for me, was the litter on the top of the mountain. You can stand on top of Lion’s Head and take in a 360 degree view of your surroundings. It’s breathtaking! It’s a glimpse of paradise…

BUT, all alongside the view point at the top are plastic bottles.
People have just tossed them!
How can one stand in such a beautiful place and just toss their rubbish?
So trashy of people to do such a thing! (Yes, wear the judgement if that’s you.)

I managed to find two plastic bags and bring down some of that litter.

TOUR GUIDE REQUEST or TOURIST REQUEST: When you climb Lion’s Head… please bring a plastic bag to collect some of the rubbish up there. Thank you!


Old people in church
In church this morning, I noticed some of the old people coming up to the rail from communion. Some walked very slowly forward. Their aging limbs make it a struggle.
But I looked upon them with admiration.
All these years, they’ve been in church. But more so. They’ve experienced God.
They carry lots of stories.
Stories of sadness, of joy, of betrayal, of faith, of humour, of struggle, of victory.
They have been grandparents, parents, a spouse to another.
They may have said goodbye to a few loved ones.
They may even feel lonely at times. Or frustrated. The new “fast world” can be exhausting for them.
But I look upon them with admiration.
In all of it, they have journeying with God.
Holding onto Him.

Holy Communion

There were quite a few people in church this morning. (Probably, that whole “It’s Easter – we should make an appearance in church sort of thing”) But regardless – all are welcome. 🙂
The point is; when the elements were being served for communion. And the ushers were leading us forward to the rail – the whole time of communion because “lengthy”.
BUT I PUT THAT in “inverted commas” on purpose.

Was it really lengthy?
Again I say: NO!

I thought of this image I have inserted below. Two people spending time together.
Sometimes the space between is filled with words. And sometimes there is just silence there.

Can that not be the same for you and God?
I like that.
After we have had the bread and wine and return to our seats…
Why do we let our minds wonder?
What do we get agitated if we “have to wait too long”?
Could we shift our thoughts from wondering what is for lunch or what our wee ahead looks like and simply just talking (or sit in silence) with our Father God?
Maybe those 10 minutes are very life giving. If we allow it to be.
Pause, listen, speak to Him, or listen to Him.
But be present in those spare moments.

Because, yes the week ahead may get busy.
It may get full.
So there in church, be there, with Him.

cafe sit together

Sitting with my Aunt (travel stories)

On Thurs night my aunt stayed over and we had a good catch up.
She told me about her trip doing the famous Spanish pilgrimage: The Camino de Santiago
It was so nice to hear about it. I was inspired by what God did with her on that trip.
I just liked the moment. Sharing stories.
If we pause, listen well to people.
We’ll learn things about them.


We were sons of insurrection, doomed to face the dark alone.
‘Till vicarious perfection, dearly won, was made our own.
So where’s your landslide, where’s your victory?
Tell me now, where’s your sting?
Unassailable you waited, the great enemy of man,
’till your awful jaws were sated, and we were ransomed from your hand.
Now that you have been disarmed,
We will cross over unharmed.

How good are these lyrics by Thrice?
Perhaps fitting for Easter?
Death has no sting…

Listen to the song below:

Thanks for visiting here. Have a good week ahead!

Posted in Faith & Church, People

Meet the Children (shoebox Christmas)

Last year, we at St Peters United collected shoeboxes filled with stationery and toiletries and other things. We partnered with FAMSA and blessed these children.   Here are the photo memories of the Christmas Party 2015.

Your charity. Your giving. Your kindness goes to these children.

They’re not faceless or nameless or nobodies!

We aim for 80 gifts this year.

So please get collecting.

Deadline: last week of Nov.

Posted in People

My (worldwide) community

Yesterday, in Johannesburg as Catherine and I met up with Sharon; one of my friends I have I gained over my life journey so far, I am moved and feeling nostalgic with all the people I have met during my brief life; thus far.

I have served in various churches, lived in different towns… growing my friends, family and worldwide community.

The greatest thing about serving in any church is the community you discover and develop and sometimes some of those folk, will stay on in your life as the years roll by.

From influential youth ministry relationships
To go ‘Saffa’ friends living in the UK
To other friends scattered around this rainbow nation and other countries in the world.
To people during my ski season or PGL antics
To other events such as Arrive in Africa.

I am thankful.
The hardest part of leaving a town, is having to say goodbye to all those good people.

But thanks to email, whatsapp, Facebook and Skype I have managed to stay in touch and keep many of these friendships growing.

God, thank you for the all these incredible people in my life.

Posted in Faith & Church

My new community

I was really moved my two things that occurred in our church this morning. The first thing was a little girl in our community had asked to be baptized. She can came to that on her own accorded. She is probably between 8 – 10 years old.
I was so moved by her desire to believe and put faith in Jesus.

Sometimes, there are such beautiful moments tucked away in a small church in a small town, in a small little corner of the world…

And somehow our BIG God sees it… and declares:

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19: 14

Then later on in the same service I got to serve the Communion elements of bread and wine (grape juice) alongside one of my youth guys. What an honour. And this young man; I wonder how he ponders on the ramifications of such a ‘spiritual meets ordinary’ act?

Posted in People

whatsapp woes

(I have an odd sense of humour. Please don’t read too seriously into this blog. I am not being racist or emo or whatever. Just tongue in cheek!)

And I have to share… because I want to:

So in South Africa, the black folk are known for their community. Community comes natural. They’re good at welcoming others. It goes with the whole philosophy:

umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” – a person is a person because of others. I love that!

But the funniest thing is black folk on whatsapp groups. It’s like “double community” oh my word!

I joined a study group for one of my UNISA subjects; I had to leave it… there was just way too much chatting going on… lol.

Like an overdose of community! Yesterday I started this local group in my town for those interested in playing soccer. I leave my phone for awhile and then come back to a 45 unread messages in that group. Oh my!

so that’s my one random observation!

then I must laugh at the “bizarre” loneliness one feels… when you’re the only one “left” in a whatsapp group. Recently, family and friends made little groups for recent events. (easier chatting in one group.)

But once the events have expired.. people leave the group. I keep forgetting to delete the groups. I then stumble upon them by accident and discover I’m the only one left. haha!
I feel a surge of “loneliness” over me… haha! Bizarre!

I know… #odd thoughts over and out…

Posted in People

Check out my friend’s blog:

Please welcome Lauren to the world of blogging.

Click HERE or HERE to check out her blog.

Have a great weekend!

And some inspiration for you, for those who love words and sentences: No 2 & 3:

2. “In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars.”
—Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Suggested by Jasmin B., via Facebook

3. “She wasn’t doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.”
—J. D. Salinger, “A Girl I Knew”
Suggested by mollyp49cf70741

I got those cool sentences from this SITE