Posted in People

One themed blog (they said)

Firstly: blog about the title

It was once suggested by blog or social media (or those “they” people) that a blog should have focus. It should have one theme. You should ask yourself what market are you trying to reach? What is your central message?

I once (maybe twice) entered SA Blog Awards. But my blog (this one that I’m typing from) didn’t have a category to fall in – when I hate to submit my blog in for the competition. This is not a lifestyle blog. This is not a music blog. This isn’t for foodies. This is not a travel blog either…

Yes, it has aspects of all of those for sure!

So, I thought about it recently, including my Instagram account – my THEME for my blog is LIFE.

It will have pieces of words I have strung together.
It will have thoughts and reviews on gigs and books and moments.
It will have adventure. It will have confusion. It will have oddity. It will have God. It will have all sorts.

Because such is LIFE.
Life is full of themes.

Secondly: a brief story about yesterday: Don and Adrian
(Not sure if I even spelled their names correctly)

Yesterday, we met a couple. We happened to sit at their table as there was no space for us at our allotted table. But I didn’t mind. I like meeting new people.
This couple, their names were Don and Adrian.
Turns out Don had arranged for a photographer, and was planning to propose to Adrian. (not sure how to spell that?)
She was not suspecting at all.

He asked us to keep their table as he took her for a walk down the beach…
She said yes.

We congratulated them.
We’re not their friends.
We probably won’t ever see them again.
They were such nice people to talk to.
I wondered if I should find them on Facebook or something. (I tried. Maybe not too intensely but came up empty handed.)
But then I thought… maybe life is about moments with strangers who become friends in that particular time…
Then you say goodbye, part ways,
And just think afterwards: heck, that was such a great time!

We should have more of those…
And in time, it will happen again,

A new incident. Different people. Engage in that moment.


Sometimes I find the right words to describe things around me.

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