Posted in Inspirational & Observations from Life

Road Trip to Rob Bell, a modern day good samaritan moment.

My friends, Rob and Ben joined me on a road trip to go listen to Rob Bell, an awesome preacher and author go speak at the Cheltenham Race Course Conference Room.

On the way, about 2 or 3 miles out of Cheltenham in the lovely county of Gloucestershire, we stopped by this scenic lake. We had a sandwiches for supper. We explored the little pathways… and just enjoyed our pitstop in this beautiful country setting.
sun still pretty high up in the sky… ahh, this is the life.

Take a look at what I saw:

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The Rob Bell talk was excellent. (But that’s a whole other blog.)
See my Sacred Spaces 288, coming soon.

After the talk, we headed off home… just outside Cheltenham, we saw a father and his daughter hitch hiking.
The daughter’s name was Veronica. The father, had a polish name.. to hard to understand what he said.
so often the daughter was the translator.

some thoughts:
– because I had been to Poland, I could speak them about Polish things and places. I even could say “thank you” (Dziekuje)

SO I was just stoked that I have been travelling while I have been living in England. it’s always awesome to share travel stories.

– this father hitchhiked all the way from Poland to fetch his daughter so that they can spend a few days together. then he is going to hitchhike with her back to England.

Some people have just got it so tough. It’s moving to think about how much commitment and dedication this father has to see his daughter.
Instead of complaining what life has dealt them, they press on. Awesome to see!

– they wanted to be dropped of at a certain service station. It was rather out of the way. But I didn’t want to just help them half way. (That’s not how the Good Samaritan story goes)

So we took them the whole way, and my friend Ben bought them something at the shop too.
I believe Charity has to be costly for us too.
It’s too easy to throw a few pounds (or whatever your currency is) and wish someone well.
Charity needs to be more hands on.

I wasted petrol taking them all the way, off my intended route. But I feel that it was worth it to help them the whole way.

So those are just some of my thoughts for today.
Happy reading. Enjoy your day. “Life is beautiful” (Red Hot Chili Peppers)


Sometimes I find the right words to describe things around me.

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