Posted in Travel & Explore


I have had a good day off today. Doing a bit of this and a bit of that.
Finally after 4 months… I managed to capture photos and other memoirs of my Poland & Berlin holiday back in December 2010.

It’s nice to have hard copies of photos. And just pasting these pics and reciepts (yes, why on earth did I keep these), train tickets, area maps… into the scrapbook… I had a sense of nostalgia.

What a good time I had with my friend, Darren, back then. God, thank you for these cool adventures.

A picture does paint a thousand words…


Sometimes I find the right words to describe things around me.

2 thoughts on “Scrapbooking

  1. this is a pretty classic pic, you 2 look likle a married couple, sorry darrel you look like the chick

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